
During the week I am the first one who gets up. My boyfriend and Bobby are still sleeping and I try to leave the bedroom as quite as possible without hitting my toes or knees or shin at any furniture. Sometimes Bobby tills up his head to have a look what I am doing but goes to sleep immediately after I petting him on the head. In the weekend I always allow myself a little lie-in which makes Bobby my furry alarm clock. The moment I move under my duvet he will see it as a signal that I am awake and ready to pet him before going outside for a nice morning walk. After a long deep stretch he comes with a wiggling tail to my side of the bed trying to get attention like this:
First he just stands their looking at me. Then after 2 seconds he comes closer, puts his soft little head on the matrass or my cushion whilst breathing excitedly in my face which (A) makes me open my eyes and see that the hair around his little snout becomes more and more white or (B) makes me turn my head as quickly as possible to avoid his dragon breath. If I react as described in option B I know that I have failed and that I shouldn’t have been so lazy. Although lots of people actually think that dogs are supposed to stink out of their mouth – this is definitely not true!!! Just likes us, dogs shouldn’t have a stinky breath and should have clean teeth every day.


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