Ausgefallene vegetarische Hundesnacks – Produkt Test

I LOVE buying things for my dog and I also really like to try out new things. That’s why I decided to buy a bunch of vegetarian & vegan dog treats but don’t worry my dog gets his daily portion of meat. I just wanted to add some variety to his treats and just so you know, I am (unfortunately) not sponsored by any of these brands or the webshop I bought them. I am a regular client at this web shop and simply bought the treats myself 🙂

1. Puffed Sticks

I have never heard of them before but these medium sized sticks made from cottage cheese smell delicious! They come in a package of 3 which makes them a bit too pricey for my taste. These sticks contain lots of healthy ingredients such lotus bean (which gives the nice sweet smell to it), buckwheat, coconut oil and so on. On the package, it says chew sticks but Bobby didn’t really chew on them. He just bit chunks of it and then chewed on the pieces. All in all, he really enjoyed them although they didn’t last quite long. A good thing is that the sticks are not sticky and they do not leave traces behind on the floor.



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